
Dealing With A Criminal Court Case? Tips To Help You Get An Attorney On A Budget

If you're facing criminal charges, the number one thing on your mind is likely finding a solution so you can avoid imprisonment.  Hiring a good lawyer is one of the best measures to take when you're in this circumstance, but money may be an issue for you.  Your budget may be stretched so tight that you just don't see any possible way for you to afford quality representation.  Don't let finances keep you from getting a skilled criminal law attorney on your side. Read More 

3 Instances Where You Might Be Able To Get A Fault Divorce Granted

Many times when a couple divorces, they opt to get a no-fault divorce. This is generally the easier option and allows the couple to divorce without having to prove that there was a reason for it. However, in some cases, it may be better to actually get a fault divorce. In these cases, the victimized party may be able to get different benefits from the settlement or get the divorce granted quicker. Read More 

Can What You Do On Your Own Time Get You Fired?

Most people in the United States think that what they say and do on their own time is their business, not their employer's. However, as a professor at a university in Florida recently discovered, your freedom of speech doesn't necessarily protect your job. If what you say or do adversely affects your employer's interests, you can get fired for it. Here's what you should know about the ability given to your employer to terminate your employment based on your private indiscretions. Read More 

Using Your Treatment To Strengthen Your Injury Claim

Medical evidence is one of the things you will need to mount a strong personal injury claim. This means you need to take your treatments seriously; the medical consultations and treatment sessions generate the medical evidence you need for your case. Here are three tips to ensure your treatments result in a strong evidence for your case: Consult a Medical Doctor Physicians aren't equal in the eyes of insurers. The insurance industry has a strong leaning towards western medicine. Read More 

Filing For Divorce? 5 Pieces of Financial Information You Should Have When You Speak to an Attorney

If you've decided that it's time for a divorce, there is some financial information you'll need to gather before filing the paperwork. Having your financial documents in order will provide your attorney with the information they'll need during the settlement talks. Here are five pieces of financial information you should have before you file for divorce. Tax Returns for the Past Five Years Before you file for divorce, you should have copies of your tax returns for the past five years. Read More