
Hurt at Work? Top Tips for Filing a Workers’ Compensation Claim

One of the most challenging things that may occur is getting hurt while on the job. This is certain to create a great deal of financial stress for you. One of the top methods for getting through this difficult time may rest in getting the compensation pay you need. Filing a claim for this amount is likely to be something you may want to do. 1. Inform your supervisor Taking a moment to let your supervisor know that you've been injured should be high on your priority list. Read More 

Do You Have A Potential Birth Defect Claim?

Retaining the services of a birth defect lawyer can seem like a major step to take. You have the right to seek a consultation with a birth defect attorney before you move ahead with any action, though, and it might be wise to think about whether you have the basis for a claim. Here are three common reasons someone might hire a birth injury attorney and seek compensation. Drug-Related Defects Read More 

Workers’ Comp Hearing? Why You Need A Lawyer

If you are injured while at work, you are legally eligible to receive financial and medical benefits to recover from your injury. One part of receiving those benefits is attending a workers' compensation hearing. Although it is up to you, it is recommended to have a workers' compensation lawyer by your side when you attend this hearing. Keep reading to learn a few reasons why it is in your best interest to hire an attorney to represent you at the hearing when you have suffered an on-the-job injury. Read More 

What To Do If You Receive A Disability Overpayment Notice

The Social Security Administration uses a precise algorithm to determine who qualifies for what benefits, and to what degree. While this complex system is reliable, when it comes to tracking benefits, it's not unheard of for this system to have issues. The result of these failures is often a notice of overpayment. For the person on the receiving end, a demand letter from the government threatening to garnish benefits is frightening, but there is typically a solution. Read More 

Work-Related Injuries That Should Be Guaranteed Benefits For Workers’ Comp

While some work-related injuries might run into a "gray" area for workers' compensation claims, there are some injuries that should automatically qualify for benefits. If you experience and/or acquire any of the following injuries at work through no fault of your own, you should apply for workers' compensation benefits right away. The benefits for the following injuries should be immediate, but if you are denied, hire a workers' compensation lawyer.  Read More