
3 Things That Can Cause Your Social Security Disability Claim To Be Denied

One of the most difficult decisions a person can make is deciding they can no longer work because of an illness or physical impairment. The good news is you can apply for social security disability benefits to help you pay your bills and buy groceries. The bad news is most claims are denied when you first apply. Here are three things that can cause your disability claim to be denied. Read More 

Spousal Abuse: Important Steps To Take During Divorce Proceedings

Behind closed doors, 1 in 4 women will experience domestic abuse in their lifetime. If you're married to your abuser, taking the steps below can be overwhelming, but it's also vital to your physical, mental, and emotional well being. Get to a Place of Physical and Emotional Safety If you are currently going through divorce and your spouse gets abusive, you need to be safe. While it's commonly said that you should never leave your home during divorce proceedings, the safety and well being of you and your children is of utmost importance. Read More 

5 Crucial Tips for Effective and Legal Agreements for Independent Contractors

Independent contractors are often hired when businesses need help with tasks. This may be due to an increased workload, multiple employees taking time off, or something else entirely. Whatever the case may be, you need to develop an independent contractor agreement for you and the contractor to sign. This agreement will outline the specifics of their role as a contractor to your company. Here are five tips for ensuring your agreement is as airtight and legal as possible: Read More 

2 Necessities To Include In Your Company’s Employee Handbook

If your company is getting ready to expand and add dozens of new jobs, now might be the time to create an employee handbook. Employee handbooks are a great way to guide, manage, and control your employees, but they are not easy to create. If you would like to make one of these, you may want to hire a business lawyer to help you. Here are two things a lawyer might suggest including in your new handbook. Read More 

Minimizing The Effect Of Lawsuits On Your Small Business

The American culture is a litigious one, and anyone running a business needs be proactive about possible lawsuits. Successful businesses are targets for those with valid complaints and for those looking to make a quick dollar. Before you fall victim to legal action, take a few sensible precautions.  Minimize Your Exposure Stay away from soleproprietorship. Structuring your company as an LLC or S-Corp will protect you individually from the financial strain of lawsuits and their awards but many small business owners choose sole proprietorship's instead. Read More